Promotion of open mmorpg formula design

This website's purpose is to provide potential formulas which can be used when designing mmorpgs.

A secondary purpose is to provide consistent ideas (other than formulas) that can be used when designing mmorpgs.

The philosophy is simple.

Provide clear calculation formulas for mmorpg design to help provide a consistent approach towards designing mmorpgs.

Provide clear and consistent ideas for an overall approach to mmorpg design.

An example of main purpose.


Experience to level (LXP):

LXP initial = 6.5^ sqrt(player current level)

LXP additional: ('level to zero' - 'player current level')/'level to zero' * base

LXP final = LXP initial + LXP additional


^ indicates to the power of

LXP additional is an offset to give a healthier curve at very low, ie starting levels.

if player current level > level to zero, then LXP additional = 0.

level to zero = 20.

base = 800.

Supporting table

An example of secondary purpose.

Idea for Character Stats:

Character stats are the key variables that are linked to the character and are used in many formulas.

Each stat should serve a unique purpose with no overlap.

There should be a decent number of stats to enhance gameplay variety.

No. Statistic Abbr Used in
1 Strength str strength of physical non-ranged attack, martial points (mrp), 1 point of this stat = 0.04% parry
2 Dexterity dex strength of physical ranged attack, endurance points (ep), 1 point of this stat = 0.04% dodge
3 Intelligence int strength of magic attack, mana points (mp), 1 point of this stat = 0.04% tumble
4 Charisma cha strength of harmonic attack, music points (mup), also how persuasive and attractive you are perceived as, 1 point of this stat = 0.04% tuning
5 Willpower wil strength of mental attack, mind points (mip), 1 point of this stat = 0.04% consonance
6 physique phy Determines hitpoints of character
7 stamina sta Determines utility points of character

Latest update: 20181108